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Permanent Courses
Course information found here includes all permanent offerings and is updated regularly whenever Academic Senate approves changes. For historical information, see the Course Catalogs. For actual course availability in any given term, use Course Search in the Portal.
This .75-unit course focuses on the physiology and health of musculature and fascia using the Roll Model Method. Students engage with theoretical and applied approaches to self-myofascial release through massage, alignment, anatomy instruction and mental awareness. Utilizing the full set of required Tune Up Balls, articles and current research, and activities, each student develops and puts into practice their own conditioning and wellness plan specially designed for their sport(s), movement, and/or personal training goals. While there is no textbook for the course, materials cost around $60 and will need to be purchased before the semester begins. A link will be sent out in December.
Premised on in-depth discussion and analysis of key readings, this survey course covers a broad spectrum of domestic and global issues in public health, including the non-medical [social] determinants of health, health literacy, and disparities in health outcomes. Designed to encourage interaction among students interested in the health professions, this course lays the groundwork for future collaboration and introduces students to possible career tracks as practitioners, analysts, consultants, and social entrepreneurs in the realm of public health. (3B)
This course offers an overview of research methods used in health and political science research. Course objectives will include an introduction to basic statistical concepts and research design; the course will also emphasize the use of STATA statistical software for production of various statistical output (ANOVA, odds ratios, bivariate and multivariate regression analyses). (3B) (Also listed as Political Science 201.) Prerequisite: none, but Political Science 110 or higher recommended.
An overview of health policy and politics in the United States. Course examines the U.S. health care system, its politics, organization, and the financing of health services. It explores how federalism shapes the system and compares it with other industrialized countries. It also examines the social or non-medical determinants of health, and the limits of what health care alone can accomplish. Health disparities among ethnic and social groups feature centrally throughout. (3B) (Also listed as Political Science 212.) Prerequisite: Political Science 110 or higher or sophomore standing.
This course addresses various aspects of Greco-Roman medical systems: what constitutes a “healthy” body; how genetics and environment affect health status; what diseases affect humans; the relationship between symptom and cause of disease; what treatment styles are practiced/recommended; the importance of case studies, family history, and environmental factors in determining a course of treatment; and women’s (reproductive) medicine (including theories of how reproduction happens in humans and suggestions for midwives). Students engage with large selections of the Hippocratic Corpus, Aristotle, Soranus, and Galen; and shorter selections of other relevant authors (e.g., Pliny the Elder). Throughout, students are asked to use the Greeks and Romans as a way to interrogate contemporary medical epistemology: what do we “know” about the body, disease, and treatment, and how do we know it? How do we define “health?” What socio-cultural assumptions do we make about the nature of illness and people who suffer with illness? Taught in English. (5T) (Also listed as Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies 215 and Critical Identity Studies 216.)
In this course, students learn specialized vocabulary needed to discuss and write about health issues in the Spanish-speaking world. This course also emphasizes cultural values, beliefs, and practices required to enhance and develop approaches to health in Spanish-speaking communities. Readings are of a literary and non-literary nature. Participation in Spanish-speaking activities and/or the local Latino community is expected. Taught in Spanish. (5T) (Also listed as Spanish 215.) Prerequisite: Spanish 210 or 214. AFTER ON-LINE REGISTRATION CLOSES, MODERN LANGUAGES FACULTY REVIEW ALL LANGUAGE COURSE ENROLLMENTS TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT A STUDENT HAS ENROLLED IN THE RECOMMENDED PLACEMENT LEVEL. IF NOT, THE STUDENT WILL BE CONTACTED BY THE DEPARTMENT TO DETERMINE WHETHER A DROP OR REGISTRATION IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE COURSE IS APPROPRIATE.
An examination of ethical questions related to medical practice and biomedical research. Special emphasis on issues such as abortion, reproductive technologies, euthanasia, autonomy in medical decision-making, research on animal and human subjects, and allocation of scarce medical resources. (5T) (Also listed as Philosophy 221.) Offered each spring. Prerequisite: Philosophy 110 or 115, or sophomore standing.
This course provides an overview of comparative health systems. Health care systems in both rich and poor countries throughout the world are examined, including their facilities, workforces, and technology and equipment. Students in this course evaluate the performance of these systems in terms of cost, quality, access, and other issues. (Also listed as Political Science 230.) Prerequisite: sophomore standing and one Health and Society or Political Science core course, or instructor approval.
In this course we examine the disparities, conditions, and unique pathologies that define the parameters of contemporary male morbidity, mortality, and well-being. Beyond epidemiological data, our interdisciplinary investigation encompasses an empirical look at the biology and biochemistry of maleness, coupled with analysis of masculine identities and their past and present impacts on men’s general and sexual health. Male circumcision, the clinical or ritual cutting of the foreskin, is the backdrop for our exploration of men’s health. In addition to field trips and guest lectures spanning the spectrum of health, our journey culminates in a curated exhibit, research posters, and/or performance pieces that weave the phenomenon of male circumcision into the fabric of men’s health across time, cultures, and sexual identities. (3B) (Also listed as Critical Identity Studies 236.)
This course focuses on the biological, social, psychological, cultural, and political factors that impact women’s experience of health and illness in the United States and around the world. Topics covered will be selected from critical topics focused on women’s experience of health and illness, including childbirth, breast cancer, aging, HIV/AIDS, and forms of psychological and physical violence. Depending on the instructors, this course may consider global issues and/or may include a significant laboratory component. (Also listed as Critical Identity Studies 252.) May be taken for credit only one time. Offered occasionally.
Selected interdisciplinary topics in Health and Society. Topics vary, but they may include global health, climate change and health, or epidemiology and society. The courses include data-driven investigation of health issues and focus on the critical analysis of complex problems. May be repeated for credit if topic is different. Prerequisite: sophomore standing and one health and society core course, or consent of instructor.
This course covers functional human anatomy and kinesiology, specifically as applied to the body in motion from basic (i.e. locomotion) to complex (i.e. dance) movement. Students learn the bones, the names, locations and actions of muscles, all types of connective tissues and the types and actions of the joints of the body. Students also explore vital connections between the body, mind and movement through the study and practice of various somatics techniques with a focus on Bartenieff Fundamentals: a corrective approach for repatterning movement. Students discover how to approach movement for the most efficient functioning, to increase physical potential, prevent injuries and recover from them more quickly. The course includes factual, theoretical, and practical applications through lectures, discussion, and labs. Labs are conducted in the dance studio where students learn through movement. Prerequisites: sophomore standing or instructor consent.
This advanced seminar looks at bodies as sites of pleasure, objects of anxiety, sources of pain and corporeal environments where new and ongoing knowledges about ourselves are registered. Bringing cultural anthropology and medical anthropology into conversation with the perspectives of philosophy, cultural studies, queer critique, trans studies, performance studies and creative nonfiction, students work collaboratively on projects that speak to seminar themes and engage their talents as thinkers and writers. (Also listed as Anthropology 308.) Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and Anthropology 100, Anthropology 242, Critical Identity Studies 101 or permission of instructor.
This course examines current issues in human sexual behavior and reproduction (both biologically and culturally) utilizing an anthropological perspective. Most broadly defined, anthropology is the study of humans, and anthropological investigations strive to know who we are, how we came to be, and where we are headed. In an evolutionary sense, sex and reproduction are intimately tied to our Darwinian fitness. The course’s approach enables the study the interrelatedness of biological, behavioral, cultural, social, and political aspects of human sex and reproduction. Students examine issues such as new reproductive technologies, the biology and culture of pregnancy and childbirth, mate choice, menopause, sexual dysfunction, and sex/gender anomalies through readings, lectures, films, and class discussions. (Also listed as Anthropology 323.) (3B) Prerequisite: junior or senior standing, and Anthropology 100 or 120.
Paleopathology is the study of disease in the past, combining method and theory from archaeology, medicine, and bioanthropology to enhance understanding of human health and well-being. In this course, disease will be discussed in its many facets, with particular emphasis on how pathological conditions manifest in skeletal tissue and a central focus on the cultural, biological, and evolutionary characteristics of past and present human health. We will discuss a range of topics, from congenital and infectious diseases to degenerative conditions and traumatic injury, to comprehend the major debates, key knowledge, and theoretical perspectives of paleopathology as an anthropological discipline. Readings, lectures, discussions, presentations, activities, and papers will allow students to examine multiple aspects of human disease and integrate their own interest into a final research project. (Also listed as Anthropology 330.) Prerequisites: Anthropology 120; Anthropology 230 or Biology 256.
A seminar offered every fall to consider current issues in health and medical care in the United States and other countries. As the capstone course for the major, students reflect on career-relevant knowledge and experience by applying and articulating what they have learned while navigating their undergraduate education. (CP) Prerequisite: junior or senior standing (junior standing requires instructor consent).
Graded credit/no credit.
Specialized credit for research assistants.
Prerequisite: sophomore standing.
Work with faculty in classroom instruction. Graded credit/no credit.